Cape Town is not only one of the most beautiful and livable cities in the world, but also one of the most dynamic and attractive markets for commercial property. As we commence 2024, the outlook for the commercial property sector in the micro climate of Cape Town is positive, driven by several factors that create opportunities for investors, developers, and tenants.

One of the key factors that will shape the commercial property market in Cape Town this year is the upcoming national and provincial elections, scheduled for May 2024. These elections will be historic, as it is believed that the ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), will have greater competition and may be required to enter into a coalition in order to achieve overall majority. It is hoped that the political competition and diversity has the potential of leading to a more accountable and responsive governance. The elections will also provide an opportunity for the commercial sector to voice its concerns and expectations, and to influence the policy agenda and priorities of the new government.

It is also likely that the service delivery in Cape Town continues to result in semigration and which will boost the local property market in general. The City of Cape Town continues to set its sights on protecting businesses and services through the reduction of loadshedding stages which is likely to further fuel the demand for movements from other parts of South Africa.

Another factor that will boost the commercial property market in Cape Town this year is the likelihood of a interest rate reduction. The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has kept the repo rate unchanged at 8.25% since November 2023, despite the easing of headline inflation and the weak economic growth. However, the SARB has indicated that it is ready to cut rates once inflation is sustained at lower levels, and that it expects inflation to reach the midpoint of its target range of 3-6% by the end of 2024. A lower interest rate environment will reduce the cost of borrowing and financing for the commercial property sector, and stimulate the demand for office, retail, and industrial space.

In conclusion, the commercial property market in Cape Town is poised for a positive year in 2024 and continue it's upward trend of outperforming the national property trends. The upcoming elections, as the governing party is likely to encourage it's support through positive sentiments, the interest rate reduction, and the city's strengths and advantages create a conducive and attractive environment for the commercial sector. Cape Town is a great place to do business, and the commercial property