35 Lower Long is set to become an iconic office tower epitomising Cape Town's Foreshore precinct by attracting blue chip tenants. Priority has been given to activating the entire street edges of Lower Long and Jetty Street with multiple entry points and a prominent double volume entrance space. Dynamic views are set to make 35 Lower Long a defining feature of the building across the city, both from street level and surrounding buildings. 35 Lower Long consists of 14 storeys of offices and 11 floors of parking. The top, penthouse floor offers sweeping views of Table Mountain and Cape Town Harbour.
Green building initiatives are a feature of the building which has been obtained a 4 star design rating. The AC system has been designed to reduce electrical consumption and refrigerant gas emissions, reducing tenant electricity costs. Daylight has been maximized within the office space to lower the requirement of lighting during the day. Energy consumption has been lowered through the use of energy efficient light fittings. Low energy water heating has also been employed.
Parking bays for fuel efficient vehicles have been provided, along with motorcycle parking bays and bicycle racks will also be provided.
An approximate electrical saving of R10/sqm to occupants will come as a result of the green building design of the building.
For more information or to request additional information, to make a viewing appointment or discuss similar options in the area give Safcom Properties a call. Our area specialist will offer you thorough information on the area and assist you on a needs specific basis. Features